

What your professionals interests are ?

For me, a dream job is a job where you can be fully involved, where our voice is heard and taken into consideration, where our ideas can move the company forward, where you feel useful, where you know that you make a difference and that you make a real contribution to the company, where you feel good, happy and relaxed.

What are your goals and philosophies ?

I have always had the desire to create something, when I was a kid I wanted to create a company to make the world a better place. I still think it is possible, but only a team with the same goal can contribute.

My philosophy has always been to have measured ambition in all of my projects.

What are my hobbies ?

As far as hobbies are concerned, I am quite diversified, in fact I am passionate about a lot of subjects. Starting with the world of the event industry in which I am involved, having a company that I founded with a friend where we produce all types of events, I am specialised in show lighting engineering. In short, I manage the lights from A to Z.

I also enjoy sports a lot, different sports are my favourites, cycling is my top one, I have been riding mountain bikes and cross country bikes since I was very young and I started road cycling 2 years ago. I also like running.

My school of life is the scouts, I have been in it for 16 years. I have been a leader in these movements for almost 6 years now, and for almost 2 years I have been a group leader for a group of children aged between 8 and 12 years old.